Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Useless Judgement

This question is troubling me since when I can't recollect but is now taking a toll on me. I don't know on what basis a person should be judged or whether to judge a person or not?

Wouldn't it be like comparing apples with oranges? Or who is superior amongst them? Or who has the highest nutritional health? Or which one is the best for our body, even though knowing the fact that both are important, each one with its own unique nutritional value required for the body. And still we go on comparing people. Sometimes its with their qualifications, sometimes looks, or else the so-called grades or their IQ values even being unaware of the fact that the one who is getting compared and scores the least is hurt.

Basically a question arises why to judge a person? Fine, its alright when people are being judged for competitions, placements wherein there is more crowd than the crowns but when people are just judged for time pass or to decide their social status I find it a bit weird. (I know I am such a confused creature myself n can too be philosophical at times but I can't hide it.) 

People do look on to the person's heart, nature, attitude and their reponse to different situations. But many a times the person's nature can be aggressive, his/her attiude can be callous owing to their personal problems in life. In that case the judgement would be wrong.

Finally to quench my thirst, I have reached upon a conclusion that never judge the person you dislike and always judge the person you like, this reduces the hatred and increases bonding.

P.S. These feelings were generated at the spur of the moment and were not meant to be addressed to anyone.