Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Engineering : A Mess Difficult To Handle

Never thought or even had so many submissions before engineering but got a good hold on it in the first year itself. Even now in the fifth sem they seem no different than the first semester. All the submissions start by the end of the semester and get over in two weeks, a miracle in itself!
Next day was a class test ( a new concept in VJTI ) sharp at nine. I am not used to reach college so early after the second semester, so I knew I was going to be late. Thanks to the traffic and signals at every junction, I reached half an hour late. After reaching I realised my class was on third floor (ELR 8) for this lecture, so I had to rush. During that time I called up my friend to confirm about the lecture and the reply was " Ma'am has come, come soon the test will start in a minute". Climbing those three floors with an heavy bag is an arduous job, I must say. Even then I did it. When I reached the classroom she was just distributing the question papers.

Since the day before my friends and me were busy in a topic's presentation, two of us decided to study and the rest two to prepare the slide show. So my principal goal was to find a seat next to the studied person and fortunately it was empty. I comforted myself and had a look at the paper. It had ten fill ups, ten marks and thirty minutes and I just needed five minutes to copy everything. Suddenly everyone had started whispering, murmuring and chatting which soon reuslted in a cacophony. Everyone was peeking into each other's paper. The ma'am quickly responded saying "Keep quiet", the traditional statement but till then almost everyone had finished their task of ' copy and paste'. To this her response was " If your are looking into each other's paper at least don't discuss". Everyone laughed at her comment. And the decibel levels soon increased again ( I guess this time to confirm answers). She then once again strictly said "Don't Talk" but the noise didn't stop. Finally making us realise that she had all the authority,she declared that she won't be checking these papers and do whatever you want to do with it. Like the first showers which bring smiles onto the faces of poor farmers everyone started rejoicing and she went out of the class.
Eventually no use of studying the day before or organising this class test, a waste of time and resources. Yes if done properly,they are useful but not like this. And then everyone again returned back to normal. Completing assignments at last!

Monday, October 6, 2008

My Bailiwick

Driving is my bailiwick. Not too fast, not too slow, just to drive. I don't know but I feel had I not been an engineer I would have been a driver. It awakens all my senses.

This is one of the driving incidents I would never forget. After making n number of requests and convincing him for two months, my dad finally gave in to my demand of taking the car to my college, that too me in the driver seat (me driving without my dad). But my mother was a little adamant, she insisted that I take some of my friends with me. Since I never drove my car without my dad before and the Mumbai traffic is not trustworthy, I agreed to their terms.
I informed two of my friends the day before (the day when I was going to drive to college) and they acceded to it. On my big day, sharp at nine in the morning I got into my car, put on my seat belts and requested my friends to trust me as I had some driving experience beforehand. I bid my mom goodbye and started on. Maintaining my aplomb, I started on, after driving for sometime I was full of confidence, energy and was feeling very enthusiastic and chary. Fortunately there wasn't much traffic on that day and it was a smooth journey.
At last I reached college and parked my car. One of my friends was getting late so she went in for her pracs and my other friend was guiding me to park. Suddenly I heard someone saying "Park properly". To my surprise that person was my uncle on his bike. All the way from my home till my college he was following me to see how I drive. I was completely shocked. I couldn't believe such a thing could happen to me, you know all this seems very filmy. And I did not even realise it any time while driving.
On returning home in the evening, my mom explained that she was worried about me and so she asked my uncle to follow me without my knowledge. And also if I would have parked appropriately I wouldn't have noticed him. Phew, how can I ever forget this day in my life!


Hello everyone,this is my first blog. It took almost two days to burgeon and assimilate it. Hope you enjoy it!